I've just spent nearly all afternoon pulling everything out of our bathroom cupboards. What I thought would be a simple job took me longer than I thought.... I am just not good at estimating time! Fortunately, I managed to stick to the job (even with the "assistance" of Casper, our puppy).
There were a lot of "no-brainer" items that have gone straight to the rubbish or recycling. This included millions of empty bottles which my hubby likes to keep. Also several old toothpastes I didn't like to start with. A cake of coconut soap from Vanuatu also had to say goodbye. (We visited Vanuatu about 13 years ago now. The soap just didn't smell right anymore!) I uncovered about twelve tubes of hand-cream! Ten of those have also left the building.
What's still left? A large box of stuff for my dear hubby to review when he returns. I doubt most of it is going to be needed, but can't take the chance of throwing out something he might still use. Also I have a large plastic bag full of expired medications and ointments. I'm going to take these to the chemist to see whether they are able to properly dispose of them.
After putting everything important back in the cupboards, I treated the bathroom by sweeping the floor and wiping down the benches and taps. The finishing touch was some glass shells which I also found during the excavations.
** Lesson Learned: Start small, and don't underestimate the time it will take! Always allow enough time to put everything back afterwards.
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